Monday, November 16, 2009

Thoughts and some Interesting Facts

This year will soon becoming to an end, hard to believe another is passing so quickly.
Over this year, many wonderful things have occurred, I have met so many good people, so talented, and now good friends. We all have built a very strong community, and enjoyed many good events together.

I also have really enjoyed and continue to enjoy SpotOn3D, this grid/ virtual environment is growing very well, and we will be having a few surprises coming very soon.. that might really catch your ear! We have some top notch Designers in world now, and soon more to arrive. There are up coming events that I will be posting probably in just a couple of weeks or so. On Spoton3d right now we have just done the final upgrade of our Grid to Grid teleporting system, so its very easy to go back and forth to your favorites place with ease. You have to have an account on whatever grid you what to tp to or from. When your in spoton3d look at the top of the map and you will see the grids that you are a member of, just pick the grid and the name of whom you are there and teleport.. that simple.
Soon it will be possible to carry items back and forth with you during this process, however at this point you still would use Second inventory or Meerkat to transport goods to and fro. For those that are selling items on another grid, as well as SpotOn3D, we have something very good for your business. Our Double Dutch system allows you to sell goods on SpotOn3d and then have the same items with no other charges sent to another avatar on another grid. We have plenty of materials for your viewing on the web page at; or if your coming in world you will find all that material in our entry area called ETA. We also have someone available almost 24 hours a day to assist your needs, answer any questions that may arise. We also have a mail box at ETA for dropping note cards to us for those rare occasions when someone maybe on a break.
Life takes many twist and turns, however if you keep on the right path good things happen, and we find our way home.. Raven, you know what I mean!!

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